Saturday, October 8, 2011

Traffic Jam in Argyle and 12 Dead Snakes Ride

As anticipated, my mountain biking last Monday put some strain on my knees, especially the right one.  So, some backwards steps were taken.  By Friday I was getting somewhat better, and the week's activity of standing and delivering at our meeting was not leaving me ready for some early Saturday activity.  So, a nap and chores around the house until 2 pm, then I forced my self to go for a ride.  Not another go at the trails, but a nice easy road ride to try to loosen the legs up and get some aerobic activity.

I set out to do about 30 miles where there would be no serious climbs, so I set out heading down County Route 47 to our little hamlet of Argyle,  I was greeted by more cars and people than I have ever seen in our little town.  Turns out it was Garage Sale day and everyone and their cousin Lou was out trying to score a good buy on some crap.  It took me forever to get through the little village, something that would normally take just a few minutes.  Once out on West Road, the ride became a pleasure.  The day was clear, windless and sunny 75 degrees - a rarity to be treasured.

My stamina has really taken a nose dive since mid-summer.  But, even though I was huffing and puffing up the hills, I did enjoy the great roads we have.  I found a loop that met my goals and started counting dead garter snakes as they were encountered at a regular interval.  Must be they were trying to soak up some warmth before taking on the winter.

The legs felt the work and rewarded me with some muscle soreness towards the end so I knew I did something.  I think through this process of straining on the mountain bike and now that the swelling has gone down, I have some more flexibility - which is the goal.  Feels good to have been on a ride.  Tomorrow is supposed to be just as nice, so I will see how I feel in the morning.

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