Saturday, October 15, 2011

Steps Backward Needed to Go Forward?

The mountainbiking on home trails did take a toll.  After the road ride my knees got swollen and stiff for quite a few days.  I was getting depressed and discouraged about getting ready for snowboarding.  After some days of rest I had an opportunity to do some swimming and hot tub therapy at a conference in Chicago.  What a difference that made!  I followed that up with a workout on an Elliptical, and felt great.  Better than before the mountain biking!  More flexibility, more strength, no swelling.  So, the big question: is it necessary to strain the soft tissues in order to make progress, or would the progress have been made without taking the backwards steps?  It is nearly a mute point, as I have proven over and over again, I will always push to and beyond the limits and then recover and see what is next.

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