Sunday, May 31, 2020

Another Restart To Posting

Been a long time gone!  But I just started another blog to track my photography habit that has also re-started.  So, seems not right to ignore this one that started me in blogging many years ago now. 

Also, maybe if I start posting about ridn, I will start to ride more.  It worked this morning.  We have t experienced a lot of varying weather this May.  The first half was nasty, cold, windy and cloudy.  We couldn't wait for spring to kick in.  Before that was to happen we got about 8 inches of wet snow and a deeper blast of cold and wind.  However, in not too many days, we went right to summer.  Upper 60's dew points, high 80's with high humidity, had me scrambling to get the AC's installed.

After the heat left, a cool air mass came in to take over.  This morning it was in the 40's.  By the time I got on the bike it was just breaking 60.  But the drier air after a big rainstorm was crisp and clean.

I have not been riding much since I had to stop spinning this winter.  In part because Kind Cycling's owner/operator, Rachael, had to shut it down for the COVID measures.  I did do some at home in the basement, but it was hard to get motivated.  I did do one good hour-long, hard session, but afterwards I felt not that great.  In fact, I was having trouble breathing, had a dry cough, body aches in various places and ran a fever.  Symptoms often associated with the COVID virus.  I didn't get tested or go to the hospital, although I thought at times I should.  I just waited it out and did breathing exercises and rested a lot.  Last thing I wanted to do was spin or ride.  Besides the weather in March and April was horrendous.  

Finally I woke up one morning and knew it was on its way out.  As I felt better and better I started doing more activity.  But again, the weather was very depressing and I wanted to take it slow coming back.  Eventually, I went to have an Antibody Test, but it came back non-positive.  So, I probably had another virus.  Doing work in the yard and walking the dogs further and further, I built up some stamina and felt like I was getting some fitness back.  Donna and I did a loop around Summit Lake on the mountain bikes that went well.  Alix, Donna and I did a out-and back on Coach Road on the rode bikes that was also a good check on my fitness.  Two days ago the three of us met at Alix's and we rode the Luther Forest Trails, which was loads of fun.  And today I did a loop around Cossayuna Lake.  So far so good.  

Being open is a state of mind.  With the lock-down, feeling crappy, lousy weather, bad news all over the world, imposed limitations on our ability to freely move about, it is easy to get bogged down.  We continue to have restrictions on commerce and other interactions, but if we let our spirit and our minds get locked down, shut down, limited, we lose everything.  I want to keep RIDN and Posting and will do my best to make that happen.  

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