Sunday, January 27, 2013

Temporary SetBACK

Cold, really COLD temperatures dominate and a setBACK occurs.

Single digits were to be heading our way and the wood supply on the back porch was getting to be minimal. No worries, while Donna was away Sunday I would cut up a stack of firewood we had for the old outdoor wood furnace. I have to take each split log and cut it in half, then haul them by wheel barrel to the back porch and dump them to be taken up and stacked later. Each wheel barrel load represents a full day of heat for the house on a really cold day.

I started off well, but soon my right lower lumbar and tight IT band where barking. Ignoring the pain and pushing through is often my downfall when it comes to my body. I wanted to complete at least the one stack, which turned out to be 12 wheel barrels, or 12 really cold days, worth. I pressed on as the pain got worse. Having had this before and recovered I was not too worried.

As it turns out I did not recover well. A trip to Donato was needed along with a forced period of inactivity that is why I am writing in the blog instead of riding the snowboard this Sunday. As a side benefit the inactivity allowed me to buy and play with my new iPad mini which is a great way to post now, so I may be more apt to keep posting now.

Hopefully I will soon be BACK to riding snow or bikes soon as this morning the back is feeling much better. Enough that i am very tempted to ride or hike something today since the sun is shinning and it has warmed up to 11 degrees!

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