Sunday, November 25, 2007

Spinning and Snowboard in Frigid November

Unseasonably cold fall weather makes spinning a necessity for cardiovascular fitness and provides an opportunity for early season snowboarding.

Thanksgiving week means calories consumed, and without the YMCA spin classes, it is unlikely I would have burned them off. Dan has lead us in spin for three years now, and improves his class each year. I always wait as long as possible to take the cycling indoors, but this year the teens came too soon to go it outdoors in November. The good thing about spin is you can dial in any workout you want. In the past I pretty much designed my own workout while Dan lead the rest of the class. This year he is taking us on routes I have done (West Mountain, Ruppert Mountain, etc.). So, the workout I dial is the same one he describes to the class, and the same as I remember and visualize as we do it. The heart rate monitor makes the effort known, so there is no fooling yourself.

Chute before it comes together with Mouse Trap

Wednesday morning I did Dan's spin and then had another A.R.T. session which focused on the neck, since the shoulders continue to improve. After dinners on Thursday at home and Friday up in the North Country, Donna and I went into the Saturday spin. I followed that one with another A.R.T. session, this time focused back on the shoulders, while Donna hung out at Borders. We then got some coffee and bagels at Uncommon Grounds -- nice for us to just hang out in Saratoga for awhile with no schedule to keep.

Sunday I took another trip to Killington.
The conditions have improved with another four inches of natural snow, and nearly continuous snow-making all week. I decided early conditions would be best, so got up at the crack of dawn and arrive
d at 7:30. By 8:05 I was riding the lift over perfectly groomed cruising! The conditions were ideal and my Malalo board with its newly sharpened edges and waxed surface was letting me get in good carved turns.

Chute just before it comes together with Mouse Trap

After two solid hours of great boarding on Rime, East Fall, Chute and others, the conditions started to deteriorate some on top.
But even on the hard ice the board allowed me to edge with confidence, unlike last week when it let me down several times. It warmed up a little around 11 am and I moved over to go top to bottom on Chute about a dozen times. I gained confidence with each run. After 4 1/2
hours I was ready to call it a VERY good day!

This week I travel to western NY from Tuesday - Thursday, so will try to get a spin or swim in before I leave.
I will intensify the shoulder exercises this week. All the body parts are in good working order for a good week of training ahead.

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